


Ferdi B Dick Pte. Ltd.


70 件产品


已售罄Barking biting freezing fighting I, dog character sculpture, black and yellow patina bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewBarking biting freezing fighting I, dog character sculpture, black and yellow patina bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, 45 degree view
已售罄Barking biting freezing fighting II, dog character sculpture, black and yellow patina bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, 45 front viewBarking biting freezing fighting II, dog character sculpture, black and yellow patina bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front view
已售罄Barking biting freezing fighting III, dog character sculpture, black and yellow patina bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, 45 front viewBarking biting freezing fighting III, dog character sculpture, black and yellow patina bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front view
已售罄Barking biting freezing fighting IV, dog character sculpture, black and yellow patina bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewBarking biting freezing fighting IV, dog character sculpture, black and yellow patina bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, 45 front view
已售罄Bokkie, deer, sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewBokkie, deer, sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, banner
博基青铜 促销价格$0.00
已售罄Bonaparte, dog wood sculpture with black polished, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front view波拿巴木(黑色)
波拿巴木(黑色) 促销价格$0.00
Bunnie Clover Brain Roar, wall art print framed by artist Ferdi B DickBunnie Clover Brain Roar, wall art print by Ferdi B Dick
兔妮三叶草 大脑咆哮 促销价格$586.00
已售罄"Bunnie Roar Crystal," a sculpture, amber color, is an artistic creation by Ferdi B Dick 04, 45 degree vire360 degree rotation of Bunnie roar amber Crystal by Ferdi B Dick
兔妮咆哮水晶(琥珀) 促销价格$638.00
"Bunnie Roar Crystal," a sculpture, blue color, is an artistic creation by Ferdi B Dick 04 hero view360 degree rotation of Bunnie roar blue Crystal by Ferdi B Dick
兔耳咆哮水晶(蓝色) 促销价格$638.00
"Bunnie Roar Crystal," a sculpture, pink color, is an artistic creation by Ferdi B Dick 05 hero view 360 degree rotation of Bunnie roar pink Crystal by Ferdi B Dick
兔耳吼水晶(粉色) 促销价格$638.00
Bunnie Roar Stainless Steel, a bunny colour pink, Limited edition, designed by Ferdi B Dick, hero viewBunnie Roar Stainless Steel, a bunny colour pink, Limited edition, designed by Ferdi B Dick, 02
Bunnie Roar 不锈钢(粉色) 促销价格$13,532.00
Clover Luck Roar, wall art print by Ferdi B Dick, framedClover Luck Roar, wall art print by Ferdi B Dick
四叶草幸运咆哮 促销价格$600.00
已售罄Dog Roar, blue crystal sculpture, limited edition by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero viewDog Roar, blue crystal sculpture, limited edition by artist Ferdi B Dick, side view
狗吼水晶(蓝色) 促销价格$638.00
Dog Roar, green crystal sculpture, limited edition by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero viewDog Roar, green crystal sculpture, limited edition by artist Ferdi B Dick, front view
狗吼水晶(绿) 促销价格$638.00
Dog Roar, Polished Stainless steel sculpture, 80 cm high by Ferdi B Dick, hero view Dog Roar, Polished Stainless steel sculpture, 80 cm high by Ferdi B Dick, side view
狗吼不锈钢 促销价格$6,753.00 起
Dragon's Breath amber colour crystal sculpture the size is  16 cm height, Limited edition of 50, by Ferdi B Dick, hero view360 degree rotation of dragon roar crystal sculpture by Ferdi B Dick
龙息结晶(琥珀色) 促销价格$634.00
已售罄Dragon's Breath pink crystal sculpture the size is  16 cm height, by Ferdi B Dick,  Limited edition of 50 hero view
龙息结晶(粉色) 促销价格$634.00
Dragon's Breath yellow crystal sculpture the size is  16 cm height,  by Ferdi B Dick, Limited edition of 50 hero view
龙息结晶(黄色) 促销价格$634.00
Dragon's Breath stainless steel with gold finish sculpture, limited edition, by Ferdi B Dick, hero viewDragon's Breath stainless steel with gold finish sculpture, limited edition, by Ferdi B Dick, 360 view
龙息不锈钢(金色) 促销价格$6,753.00 起
Ellie Brainwave Roar, wall art print by Ferdi B Dick, framed Ellie Brainwave Roar, wall art print by Ferdi B Dick
艾莉 脑波咆哮 促销价格$586.00
Ellie Roar, 18 cm height an elephant colour amber, Limited edition, designed by Ferdi B Dick, hero view360 degree rotation of Ellie roar amber Crystal by Ferdi B Dick
Ellie Roar, 18 cm height an elephant colour black, Limited edition, designed by Ferdi B Dick, hero view360 degree rotation of Ellie roar black Crystal by Ferdi B Dick
艾莉咆哮水晶(黑色) 促销价格$638.00
Ellie Roar, 18 cm height an elephant colour violet, Limited edition, designed by Ferdi B Dick, hero view360 degree rotation of Ellie roar violet Crystal by Ferdi B Dick
Ellie Roar Stainless Steel, a elaphant colour blue, Limited edition, designed by Ferdi B DickEllie Roar Stainless Steel, a elaphant colour blue, Limited edition, designed by Ferdi B Dick, sude view
已售罄家庭照 1,2,3,4家庭照 1,2,3,4
家庭照 1,2,3,4 促销价格$0.00
已售罄Flight or Fight, bunny rabbit sculpture, gold Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero viewFlight or Fight, bunny rabbit sculpture, gold Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, side view
已售罄Flight or Fight, bunny rabbit sculpture, Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero view Flight or Fight, bunny rabbit sculpture, Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, banner
飞行或战斗兔子不锈钢 促销价格$4,298.00
Gift Card voucher by Ferdi B Dick
Ferdi B Dick 的礼品卡 促销价格$202.97 起
已售罄Koala “What else to do?” sculpture, Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewKoala “What else to do?” sculpture, Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, 45 front view
已售罄Lion roar, amber crystal sculpture,  15 cm height, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewLion roar, amber crystal sculpture,  15 cm height, by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero view
狮吼水晶(琥珀) 促销价格$638.00
已售罄Lion roar, pink crystal sculpture,  15 cm height, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewLion roar, pink crystal sculpture,  15 cm height, by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero view
狮吼水晶(粉色) 促销价格$638.00
Lion roar, yellow crystal sculpture,  15 cm height, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewLion roar, yellow crystal sculpture,  15 cm height, by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero view
狮吼水晶(黄色) 促销价格$638.00
狮息圆点(A 形)lions breath polka dots at a angle view all on display at gallery by Ferdi B Dick
狮息圆点(A 形) 促销价格$586.00 起
狮息圆点(B 形)狮息圆点(B 形)
狮息圆点(B 形) 促销价格$600.00
狮息圆点(C 形)狮息圆点(C 形)
狮息圆点(C 形) 促销价格$600.00
狮息圆点(D 形)狮息圆点(D 形)
狮息圆点(D 形) 促销价格$586.00
狮息圆点(E 形)狮息圆点(E 形)
狮息圆点(E 形) 促销价格$586.00
Lions breath polished stainless steel sculpture large size by Ferdi B Dick , artist standing next to lion sculpture Lions breath polished stainless steel sculpture large size by Ferdi B Dick , hero view
狮之息不锈钢 促销价格$20,378.00 起
已售罄Lucky Tiger Cub, tiger cat sculpture, Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewLucky Tiger Cub, tiger cat sculpture, Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, 45 side view
幸运虎幼崽 不锈钢 促销价格$0.00
Marilyn Dog (Walnut and Beech  Wood) 1 , Limited edition, designed by Ferdi B Dick, Marilyn Dog (Walnut and Beech  Wood)  , Limited edition, designed by Ferdi B Dick, top view
Mona Dog (Walnut and Beech  Wood) 16 , Limited edition, designed by Ferdi B Dick, 45 front view Mona Dog (Walnut and Beech  Wood) 9 , Limited edition, designed by Ferdi B Dick, close up view
已售罄Over the Rainbow, dog sculpture, black Patina bronze Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, viewOver the Rainbow, dog sculpture, black Patina bronze Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero view 2
Over the Rainbow, dog sculpture, Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero viewOver the Rainbow, dog sculpture, Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, back view
彩虹之上不锈钢 促销价格$15,309.00
已售罄Overwhelmed Bear, crying bear character sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewOverwhelmed Bear, crying bear character sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, back view
不堪重负的熊 青铜 促销价格$0.00
OX “prosperous” bull sculpture, Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewOX “prosperous” bull sculpture, Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, 45 degee angle view
OX“兴隆”不锈钢 促销价格$9,297.00
已售罄OX “prosperous” bull sculpture, gold plated Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewOX “prosperous” bull sculpture, gold plated Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, 45 front view