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Bronze Sculptures

Bronze Sculptures

Bronze sculptures are made using traditional lost wax bronze casting, thereafter polished to a mirror finish perfection and sealed with a protective clear coat finish or coated with a colour or black patina.

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18 products


Sold outUnicorn No More, crying uncorn horse character sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewUnicorn No More baby, crying uncorn horse character sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front view
Unicorn No More Bronze Sale price$0.00
Sold outUnicorn Tears , crying unicorn horse character sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero viewUnicorn Tears , crying unicorn horse character sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front view
Sold outBokkie, deer, sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewBokkie, deer, sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, banner
Bokkie Bronze Sale price$0.00
Sold outOver the Rainbow, dog sculpture, black Patina bronze Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, viewOver the Rainbow, dog sculpture, black Patina bronze Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero view 2
Sold outProteaceae, protea plant flower sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, all 3 Proteaceae, protea plant flower sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, all 3 views
Proteaceae Bronze Sale price$0.00
Sold outRunning blind – Elephant, sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero viewRunning blind – Elephant, sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front view
Sold outSad Bear, crying bear character sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewSad Bear, crying bear character sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero view
Sad Bear Bronze Sale price$0.00
Sold outKoala “What else to do?” sculpture, Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewKoala “What else to do?” sculpture, Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, 45 front view
Sold outFlight or Fight, bunny rabbit sculpture, gold Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero viewFlight or Fight, bunny rabbit sculpture, gold Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, side view
Sold outScared Bear, crying bear character sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero view Scared Bear, crying bear character sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front view
Scared Bear Bronze Sale price$0.00
Sold outOverwhelmed Bear, crying bear character sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewOverwhelmed Bear, crying bear character sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, back view
Overwhelmed Bear Bronze Sale price$0.00
Sold outTantrum Bear, crying bear character sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero viewTantrum Bear, crying bear character sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front view
Tantrum Bear Bronze Sale price$0.00
Sold outRunning blind – lion, sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero viewRunning blind – lion, sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, side view
Sold outRunning blind – cheetah, sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, hero viewRunning blind – cheetah, sculpture, Mirror Polished bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front view
Sold outBarking biting freezing fighting III, dog character sculpture, black and yellow patina bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, 45 front viewBarking biting freezing fighting III, dog character sculpture, black and yellow patina bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front view
Sold outBarking biting freezing fighting II, dog character sculpture, black and yellow patina bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, 45 front viewBarking biting freezing fighting II, dog character sculpture, black and yellow patina bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front view
Sold outBarking biting freezing fighting I, dog character sculpture, black and yellow patina bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewBarking biting freezing fighting I, dog character sculpture, black and yellow patina bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, 45 degree view
Sold outBarking biting freezing fighting IV, dog character sculpture, black and yellow patina bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, front viewBarking biting freezing fighting IV, dog character sculpture, black and yellow patina bronze sculpture, by artist Ferdi B Dick, 45 front view