


Dragon's Breath Limited Edition Sculptures




4 件产品


Dragon's Breath stainless steel with gold finish sculpture, limited edition, by Ferdi B Dick, hero viewDragon's Breath stainless steel with gold finish sculpture, limited edition, by Ferdi B Dick, 360 view
龙息不锈钢(金色) 促销价格$6,668.00 起
Dragon's Breath amber colour crystal sculpture the size is  16 cm height, Limited edition of 50, by Ferdi B Dick, hero view360 degree rotation of dragon roar crystal sculpture by Ferdi B Dick
龙息结晶(琥珀色) 促销价格$626.00
已售罄Dragon's Breath pink crystal sculpture the size is  16 cm height, by Ferdi B Dick,  Limited edition of 50 hero view
龙息结晶(粉色) 促销价格$626.00
Dragon's Breath yellow crystal sculpture the size is  16 cm height,  by Ferdi B Dick, Limited edition of 50 hero view
龙息结晶(黄色) 促销价格$626.00